We at Minute Movement already know that our program works, we do it ourselves and it’s been independently tested with awesome results (more on that later this week). Quite frankly, if we weren’t confident that this program is the real thing, we wouldn’t be offering it to you.
But it’s always nice when we discover that yet another study supports our program. That’s why I’m sharing this article by personal trainer Ryan Richards (who references this study).
Mr. Richards puts it perfectly, ‘The unfit public is trapped; they reason with themselves, “Gee, I don’t have five hours per week to exercise. I might as well just stay where I’m at.” Americans are champs! If we can’t do something right with 100 percent commitment, we’re not going to do it at all. I am all about standards, commitment to guidelines and ideals. But something is so much better than nothing. It doesn’t need to be an all or nothing approach here.’ ‘consistency and compliance with some form of exercise for five minutes a day, two days per week is better than nothing. In fact, if the intensity is high enough, it appears this approach may be ideal!’
Couldn’t have said it better myself Coach Richards!
Let’s let go of the all or nothing mindset that’s keeping us from reaching our fullest potential. One minute CAN change your life!